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Project List


# Project Name Start End Word Project Type Amount Latest Status Progress
1 এলজিএসপি lgsp ৩০০০০০ বাস্তবায়িত
2 টিআর tr বাস্তবায়িত
3 কাবিখা kabita বাস্তবায়িত
4 এডিপি adb বাস্তবায়িত
5 Kusumba took the road towards Palash's house from the turn of paved road. 15-05-2024 10-06-2024 8 Others 256000 বাস্তবায়িত
6 Brick Flat Solin at Panchbibi kamdia rod more to kusumba Jalepara road. 15-05-2024 10-06-2024 08 Others 256000 বাস্তবায়িত
7 Sonakul Primary School Saling the road towards Ayub's house. 15-05-2024 10-06-2024 8 Others 256000 বাস্তবায়িত
8 Construction of guidewalls in the direction of Hasan Chowdhury Pond side road from Dhakapara Government Primary School. 15-07-2024 9 Others 500000 বাস্তবায়নাধীন
9 Kusumba supplied ceiling fans to UP's Dhurail High School, Dhurail Girls High School, Dhurail Dakhil Madrasa, Habibpur High School, Barapukuria Girls Dakhil Madrasa and Mathpara High School. 14-07-2024 1,2,5,9 Others 372500 বাস্তবায়নাধীন
10 কাবিখা ২য় পর্যায়